May 2022

Reinventing Custom Homes

Posted on May 03, 2022

You finally found the perfect piece of property to build your dream house on. With the cost of materials today, building a traditional home could cost you almost as much as simply buying one. If you want a custom home for all your needs you may want to consider some of these options.

Tiny Home

You’ve seen these all over social media. Tiny houses are...

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Putting a plan together

Posted on May 03, 2022

So you’ve been paying $2,000 a month in rent for years and you know you could afford a mortgage if only you had a down payment. Here are a few ideas to get started on planning for your home purchase.

Saving money while paying rent can feel like an uphill battle. There are ways to get the money together but it’s going to take time, dedication and pri...

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Millennials ruin everything - let's ruin home buying.

Posted on May 03, 2022

Millennials ruin everything. That’s what they keep telling us. We’ve been blamed for the degradation of beloved traditions like marriage, golf, the 9 to 5 workday. Even the disappearance of wine corks, doorbells and bar soap has rested on our shoulders. The truth is millennials inherited a world that no one knows how to navigate. The older generati...

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Let’s buy a house… Steps to buying.

Posted on May 03, 2022

It’s finally time! You’re doing it! You’re ready to buy! Let’s talk about the steps between here and there.

Qualification: The very first thing you need to do is talk to your lender or mortgage broker and determine what your budget is in real dollars. Work out your payments and closing costs and don’t forget to ask them about the first-time home buy...

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How you can support your health with the air in your home

Posted on May 03, 2022

In winter, toxins build up in our homes due to lack of ventilation and poor air filtration. Here on Vancouver Island, we are experiencing record low temperatures and so much snow we are quickly running out of places to put it. Add the recently increased restrictions due to the Covid pandemic and we are spending a heck of a lot of time inside our ho...

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